How can you resist?

Lately, I have wondered why I am so besotted with fiber art. Today, as I walked into my studio, I noticed the sun glancing across the surface of one of my test pieces. Is this not the most tempting texture? bubbles and slubs, wandering thread paths, texture texture texture.

That's why I do it.

stitch sample, Paula Kovarik, 2011

Decision Points finds a new home

A recent quilt, Decision Points, has found a new home at the office of my friend Jean. Her retro black vinyl couch compliments the piece perfectly. It makes me happy to think about it.

Decsion Points, ©2011, Paula KovarikDecision Points, detail

two lines enter, one line.....

Going back to the quilt tradition of using a line of thread that does not cross itself, travels across the piece to define areas of interest and wobbles to create texture, I am experimenting with a doodle line. Here is a pic of the work in progress. It is a yin yang composition that is composed of two lines, one in white thread on black, the other, black thread on white. Working title: Same but Not.

patterning process

I spent a little time last night creating a new pattern called leaflets. This simple line drawing ended up with a multitude of ways to experiment and add texture and depth.

I am not sure why I create these patterns. It's like a game of solitaire, is it a waste of time? or just passing time without thought? I love the jigsaw aspect of fitting the elements together to create a seamless mix of line and color. My quilts don't use pattern (since I prefer working with the line work of the thread). I am not a pattern person in my surroundings, eschewing things like wallpaper and pretty little skirts. What is it?

©2011, Paula Kovarik

Poison ivy

Isn't it interesting that poison ivy shows up in areas trod on by humans? I have very rarely seen it in deep wilderness areas. It must have a wicked sense of humor. This post in honor of the 10 days I spent taking cortisone pills to rid myself of the rash on my face last month. I snapped this pic near the entrance to the Memphis Zoo. Watch out little ones!