Parallel Lives _ the book

The Parallel LIves show is over for now. Taking it down yesterday was a LOT easier than putting it up.

And, just like two dogs with a bone, Jean and I are continuing our collaboration to create a book that outlines our process in creating the art. Our approach? Create random pages expressing stages of development, assemble and revise. Here is one page showing our (extremely professional and somewhat effective) lighting system. The quotes from our email conversations will be liberally scattered throughout.We'll announce the final product in this space. So put it on your reading list for the future.


one line doodles

Here is a sample of my new direction in quilting. Most quilters use a continuous line to quilt their work. I was doing just the opposite in my quilts so I thought I might try a stream of consciousness meander that explores line in a conventional yet different way. Not sure what the consciousness is here. I might have to refine my thoughts prior to stitching next time. Or not.

onelinedoodle, ©2011, Paula Kovarik