Parallel Lives show extended for 2 more weeks

Listening for the pulse, Jean Holmgren and Paula Kovarik, 2011The good folks at Cooper Young Community Association have allowed us to keep the show hanging for a couple of more weeks. If you haven't had a chance to see it yet, the show will be up until June 23. Jean and I would be happy happy happy to hear what you think of our efforts. 

Quilt National Journey

Though the road was arduous (at 5:30 a.m. I found that my flight to Atlanta was cancelled, and thus ensued a 12 hour journey including a frantic drive to Nashville to fly to Chicago to fly to Columbus to drive to Athens all the time wondering what the heck I was doing this for …)

I am surrounded by inspirations and welcoming women with like minds. A joy to discuss art, take in the work and process it all with a luxury of time. I will have a full palette of new thoughts upon my return. My quilt, Global Warming, the great unraveling, was juried into the show and will travel for 2 years.I am honored to be a part of this talented group.

For an entire published compilation of the works, purchase the book Quilt National 2011, The Best of Contemporary Quilts by Lark Press. Even better, make the journey to Athens (sans AirTran and connections through Atlanta), the show will not fail to surprise. Global warming, the great unraveling, ©2009, Paula Kovarik

A Show in Rochester NY

The Parallax show in Rochester NY starts on May 31. My quilt Pundit will be shown. Mark your calendars! The opening reception is on June 3. If you are in the area please stop by to see it. There are some incredible works to see.


Decided last night to throw caution to the wind and NOT work on quilts for the show. This pattern series was inspired by seeing a red ball floating in a black bowl during our recent deluge of rain. Still need to work out details on it. And scale. I like how the red ball turns into a heart in some places.

©2011, Paula Kovarik