The date is set

Jean and I have chosen a date and location for our Parallel LIves show. The show runs from May 20 - June 11, 2001 at the Cooper Young Association offices at 2298 Young Ave., Memphis, TN. If you are in the area please join us at the Opening celebration at 6pm on May 20.

This event celebrates a collaboration that began 2 years ago (with nods to Leigh Ann and her CraftB group). After realizing how much we had in common, Jean and I commited ourselves to work together to create art using her skills as a sculptress and mine in fabric.

One of our first pieces was a doodleshare drawing.

Jean Holmgren, Paula Kovarik G2010

Shameless self promotion

So.... the voting has opened up for the Rain contest at Spoonflower. My entry, Rain.Rain. is one of 368 entries. If you feel like going through a mind numbing exercise of choosing your favorite Rain fabric design the link is here:

Spoonflower Rain contest

Of course I don't expect you to choose mine over others that pique your interest...though you can vote for more than one and adding mine to your choices would be pretty simple....just sayin'   Next time I do this I will create a larger preview within the contest entries. For now the image looks too small on the contest list.

You will also be able to see the 10 finalists that were chosen for the Project Selvage contest. Funny, none of the ones I voted for made it into the mix. I may need to tweek my fashion sense a bit.

Here is a reminder of what Rain Rain looks like:

©2011, Paula Kovarik


didn't make it into the top 75 applicants with the OH BOY! fabric. Project Selvage had over 940 entries. Have to admit to a peculiar sense of relief. Maybe not so ready for prime time.......

But I did order a yard of the fabric so that I can make something for my beautiful grandsons. You can see the final design here:

Oh Boy! Blue


lumbering towards new horizons

The poet Rilke describes the way a swan lumbers over ground but glides so smoothly once in the water. I recently heard Joanna Macy read it on On Being (a wonderful podcast that never ceases to inspire me)

I feel like that lumbering Swan right now. Disoriented, ungraceful, lumbering. But the journey is only beginning. and that's the joy of it.