Shameless self promotion

So.... the voting has opened up for the Rain contest at Spoonflower. My entry, Rain.Rain. is one of 368 entries. If you feel like going through a mind numbing exercise of choosing your favorite Rain fabric design the link is here:

Spoonflower Rain contest

Of course I don't expect you to choose mine over others that pique your interest...though you can vote for more than one and adding mine to your choices would be pretty simple....just sayin'   Next time I do this I will create a larger preview within the contest entries. For now the image looks too small on the contest list.

You will also be able to see the 10 finalists that were chosen for the Project Selvage contest. Funny, none of the ones I voted for made it into the mix. I may need to tweek my fashion sense a bit.

Here is a reminder of what Rain Rain looks like:

©2011, Paula Kovarik