a whole week to quilt

A luxury of time and space with no equal. time to finish those pieces in progress, space to create new ones. Here is "AHA! moments"  A piece about to be proclaimed finished...it includes a print of one of my drawings on a piece of organic cotton canvas that measures 53" x 56".

AHA! moments


presto chango, a website is born

Gnashing of teeth, musings on self image, benign neglect...it all applies to this website. Each time I approached it I came up with a new solution. You may actually see it change in front of your eyes in the coming months as I better understand the software. I am softweary though, and over it. So here it is, I hope you enjoy.

did i ever mention how much i hate web design?

Is there a point at which we all have to throw up our hands and say ENOUGH! My brain hurts trying to keep up with the thousand ways to design websites. None of which are as clear as their drag and drop promises pretend. I'm thinking I'm gonna travel to templateland soon to join with the rest of the folks out there just trying to see their way through it. I'll have to talk to my inner control freak and soothe her tired brain cells. I am ready to swoon in anticipation of having it all be DONE so that I can go back to designing again. Where did my limber 15 year old brain disappear to?