can't find the words

Here's the official notification:

It is my great pleasure to inform you that your work, Global Warming, The Great Unraveling, has been chosen for exhibition in the Quilt National ’11 show.


pattern of the day


Here's a pattern based on little scratchings I did while nursing a cold this weekend. Maybe I was imaging the viral invaders in my nose. The worst is over, knock on formica. I can breath today.



My G5 Shades of Gray hard drive died last week. But what a gentleman! He refused to kick on just after I had backed up every little thing in his head. Enough is enough I guess.


two quilts accepted into a show

Two of my quilts have been accepted into the Quilts=Art=Quilts 2010 show at the Schweinfurth Memorial Art Center in Auburn, NY (clickhere to see their website). If you are near that area from October 31 through January 9, stop in to see them!

this one is called Connecting fantasy to reality proved difficult
and this one is called Going viral


lost in the thicket

Working on this pattern (a variation of the Morris inspired one below) Illustrator froze up on me several times. I would get ready to export and the program would hang, forcing me to quit and lose any work I hadn't saved. Since most of the time I am so lost in the thicket of the pattern I forget to save. Then when I open it back up I am back in time 30 steps. grrrrr.......

Here's a variation (one of 30 or 40 of these things) for your viewing pleasure. Maybe I'll animate the bunch of them to show the progression of the pattern. 
Assuming I learn how to save more often.