a new companion

Jean surprised me with this wonderful new sculpture last week in honor of our collaborative work Parallel Lives. Shiny Thing is a perfect execution of something she and I talk about all the time -- our tendency as artists and designers to be attracted to the next shiny thing, just like crows who feather their rookeries with tidbits and tinsel. She admitted that the working title was Krovarik. And just take a look at those gorgeous feet! Gotta love em.

Shiny Thing, Jean Holmgren, 2011

dress off.

Jean and I met last Friday to talk about our collaborative project. I admit I am taken aback by Jean's progress with many new and exciting ideas for the remaining sculptures. I was left breathless.


This shot is a series showing the understructure for a dress I created (see below) that reminds both of us of scullery maid or matron with great power and humor.

Love the butt. I can't wait to see Jean's sculpture for the head.
Thanks Jean, for these lovely in process shots.


of two minds

Here they are! This inspiring pair represent all that Jean and I are trying to communicate with these sculptures. Duality, synthesis, wonder, collaboration, inspiration.  We have named them "of two minds"


stepping closer to calm

Here's the latest take on our zen girl. After much experimentation with body shapes and fabrics I ended up simplifying her clothing to a simple tunic with yoga pants and shirt. The quilting matches my global warming quilt. the great unraveling The Lee Bonticou style headdress adds a sense of other-worldliness.
She needs a name other than zen girl or bonticouhead. I thought maybe something that communicates this thought from one of my emails to Jean:
"One day there will be a port into our heads or navels so that we can download the latest update to sanity."



the zen of body construction

So, after hours of toil and spoil I have come to understand sculpture construction one bit more. Upon realizing that the body parts I had originally constructed weren't working with the new understructure, I disassembled and reassembled our zen girl. I made some yoga pants for her in black and then created a new tunic top that will allow for more stitching. Here are some of the work in progress shots.