If I watch too much news I get caught up in an anxiety web. Compulsive stitching helps. And, thank goodness it is Spring. Nature heals.
Howlers, various sizes, Paula Kovarik
I need to remind myself to have a sense of humor. I can be aware and participate but I can’t fix it all.
Howlers, various sizes, Paula Kovarik
Because, if I can’t laugh, I get wrapped up in the worry of it and my stomach aches. Darkness falls.
Wrapped black locust thorns. Threads from 20 years of projects.
Things are not right in the United States. A form of aliens have invaded. Bullies, brats and beasts. There are consequences.
Nightstalker, 35” x 34”, Paula Kovarik
I feel hung out to dry.
Stockyard, 36” x 36” x 24”, Paula Kovarik
Will it pass?