details details

My friend and collaborator, Jean, has taken some exquisite shots of the leftover body parts we had for our Parallel Lives show. I think they deserve a show of their own. Here is one of the pod people I worked on. You can see the doodling on the fabric, the threads and even the sparkly stuffing. Don't you just want to know what would be birthed from that inner space? You'll see more in the future when we publish the book about the work. Coming soon.....

pod doodle, 2011.


each night I try to squeeze in a bit of stitching if I have the slightest bit of energy. I am never sure if the weariness I feel at the end of the day is good for the art or not. So, when I wake up in the morning I am always eager to see the sun casting it's judgmental gaze across the work. Here is last night's work on the new piece that is alternately titled strangers among us or organic mechanics.

©2011, Paula Kovarik, Strangers Among Us

Pundit goes West

My quilt, Pundit, will be on the road soon. The Visions Art Museum in San Diego will include it in the Interpretations show from Nov. 4-Jan. 22. I would LOVE to visit this museum someday, I hear it is a wonderful gallery space. If you are in the area, please stop by and let me know your impressions.

Pundit, @2011, Paula Kovarik

in a dream

Man, I love how the light in my studio hits some of this fabric.

Here's a new piece that's in it's beginning stages. It came to me fully formed (thank you muse) as I was waking one morning last month. Probably Calder inspired, maybe lily pods in Arkansas. For now I think it is nameless. It will evolve. I work best that way. I have a few pieces in a box under the table that were done with precise planning. Never did want to finish them.....Must say something about me.

Same But Not

Oficially finished the Same But Not piece. Tell me what you think.

Just need to add a sleeve for hanging.

Same But Not, ©2011, Paula Kovarik

Same But Not, detail ©2011, Paula Kovarik