Cutting quilts up to create new ones is an intuitive and challenging enterprise. It lends a sense of danger to the workspace. I am constantly reminding myself to let it go. In other words, no matter how many hours it took me to create a piece if it doesn’t please me any more then it is a candidate for the rotary cutter. I just have to let it go and move into the realm of the unfinished.
Let me introduce you to The Usual Suspects. They are named Presto-chango, Caught Red-Handed, Empty Rhetoric and Sideshow. They are a compilation of many scraps of stitching-gone-wrong, stitching-gone-right-but-in-the-wrong-place, or, stitching-for-the-hell-of-it-and-now-what-do-I-do-with-it bins. Those bins supply just the raw materials I need when nothing else suits. They make me feel good about that re-use, re-cycle and re-do mentality I try to foster.
The Usual Suspects.: Presto-chango, Caught Red-Handed, Empty Rhetoric and Sideshow. Each panel measures 40” x 13”, Paula Kovarik
And here are some detail shots.
Using units like squares, triangles and diamonds reminds me of traditional quilts and mosaic tile work. In this second piece I cut up a quilt into 2” squares and rearranged it into a new configuration. It doesn’t have a name. I’ll have to study it a bit before I commit to it.
I'm thinking about working up a lesson plan for this cutting up practice. Perhaps a 4 or 5-day workshop? If you are interested drop me a note and I'll try to figure out how I can get us all together.
Pattern work, 50.5” x 9”, canvas, batting and thread. Paula Kovarik