
Spent some time this week playing with pattern again. It is good to go to a different medium when stalled in the design process. Here is the result. I think I will call this Scrambled Eggs. It uses the 2014 color of the year, Radiant Orchid.

Scrambled Eggs, ©2014, Paula Kovarik

ladders link up

The earlier version of this pattern (see July 7 post)) was about compartments that fracture across the surface. When I add color it reminds me of something Dubuffet might design for fabric. The second version below holds a layer that adds a sense of web-like syncopation that I like. Buried within, rough ladder shapes repeat vertically. Must look up the significance of that. Why ladders?

ladders, ©2013, Paula Kovarikladders 2, ©2013, Paula Kovarik

compartmentalizing and prioritizing

Playing with a pattern that tries illustrate the process of organization and focus.

You might notice I am getting nowhere.

I thought this might be a good start to fracturing the sense of order instead?

Compartmentalizing, ©2013, Paula Kovarik

disappear into pattern

It's a glorious cool day with breezes that define hope for rain. The sky hurts my eyes with its blue. Escaping into patternmaking is an easy way to pursue the muse.

Markings, ©2013, Paula Kovarik

universal pattern

What is it? This is a high contrast graphic I created by scanning in a catalpa leaf and playing with the contrast and color. To my surprise as I zoomed in to the 600 DPI image I found this city scape of interconnected roads and arteries. I need to learn to stitch like this, it is a universal pattern.