pattern of the day


Here's a pattern based on little scratchings I did while nursing a cold this weekend. Maybe I was imaging the viral invaders in my nose. The worst is over, knock on formica. I can breath today.



My G5 Shades of Gray hard drive died last week. But what a gentleman! He refused to kick on just after I had backed up every little thing in his head. Enough is enough I guess.


lost in the thicket

Working on this pattern (a variation of the Morris inspired one below) Illustrator froze up on me several times. I would get ready to export and the program would hang, forcing me to quit and lose any work I hadn't saved. Since most of the time I am so lost in the thicket of the pattern I forget to save. Then when I open it back up I am back in time 30 steps. grrrrr.......

Here's a variation (one of 30 or 40 of these things) for your viewing pleasure. Maybe I'll animate the bunch of them to show the progression of the pattern. 
Assuming I learn how to save more often.


Morris Inspired

Had a great time in New York last weekend. Spent a little time at the Metropolitan Museum and soaked in a bit of culture. Here is a pattern I created upon my return that is inspired by the great William Morris and the Arts and Crafts period.
Love him, it, all of it.
And glad to be home too.