what a treat to join such great artists

Just returned from Rochester NY where I joined Pat Pauly and her husband Rob for a weekend. Pat, a hostess ranked up there with the best of them, took me to the Eastman Home (as in Eastman Kodak), the Susan B. Anthony museum, a Women's rights museum and a comprehensive tour of the surrounding areas. The public market was loads fun and we found many wonderful treasures. We had a delicious dinner at a place called the Good Luck.
I was there for the Art=Quilts=Arts exhibit at the Schweinfurth Museum in Auburn. Beautiful work, a delightful assemblage of wonderful artists and a good crowd to boot. My two pieces, Going Viral and Connecting Fantasy to Reality Proved Difficult, looked great in the space. I was awarded the Machine Quilting Excellence award. It took me by surprise since I didn't even know there were awards. And, it paid my travel expenses too! Pat was awarded First Place for her gorgeous quilt "Stacked Mummy Bags"
What fun. I want to do that again.